ADD, ADHD and Learning Differences
In the remarkable book, The Edison Gene, Thom Harmann and Lucy Jo Palladino give hope to all of us who have suffered from wondering WHY we feel like we’re different. Their work led to recognition of some of the outstanding gifts that people with learning differences have. This giftedness can cancel the negative effect of labels or tags that get applied to those who just can’t seem to learn the ‘regular’ way.The labels that get attached include: lazy, troubled, stupid, un-teachable, ADD, ADHD, retarded, restless, wiggly, etc. Sometimes it turns out that the sufferer is the one who is putting the labels on themselves because they have agreed with someone else’s diagnosis.Attention deficit disorder does not mean that any of these labels fit you. Hyperactivity can have a number of different causes. Most of them should not accompany a diagnosis of “illness”. Both adults and children who have been labeled as having learning differences or learning difficulties need to know that there is help.
Dyslexia is a complex neurological condition that is not only treatable, but at Wellspring, has been seen to be completely cured. For the details of an outstanding case, see Marla’s story.Dyslexia can sometimes be linked to the development of the child while still in the womb.Dyslexia can be exacerbated by rejection. In his book, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, Dr. Thomas Verny, MD, relates a number of amazing cases where the mental and emotional environment that the mother experienced had profound effects on the unborn child.Some of the results of negative environments where the child perceived rejection include: • Rebellion • Anger • Aggressiveness • Poor self esteem • Self-hatred • Emotional isolation • Unhealthy independence • Other relationship problems that can develop as the individual matures include difficulties in relating to others in areas of affection, appreciation, physical communication and sexuality. The fear of rejection can make it difficult to develop intimacy.
Where to find help
You can find out more about the medical, emotional and spiritual sides of these issues in Dr. Mathias’ book, In His Own Image. If you or someone you know has ADD/ADHD or dyslexia, do not be discouraged. Or if you’re in a relationship where you recognize some of the items on this list, there is help. It’s not as hard as you think! And it’s as close as your phone.